This is a piece of diamond willow wood that was given to me by Ronnie Payne, a potter at one of the craft shows that I go to. The wood grows in upstate Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. It's pretty expensive if you have to buy it. A piece like this usually runs around $40.00. It has a very thick bark, and the beautiful red places in it tend to gum up and are very difficult to clean out. These places are a fungus on the wood. As I was making this I thought about the way God takes our lives as rough as they are and cleans us up and makes something beautiful out of us. Every time I work on a staff or cane I have myself a little revival thinking about what I used to be and how God changed my life. I only have 25 hours in this piece; God has invested 55 years in me! As I burned the words to "The Old Rugged Cross" I prayed that I would ever be true to Him until He calls me home.
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