This is a walking staff I just finished last week. It has "Amazing Grace" woodburned on it with a quilt pattern. I have quite a few hours in this piece and it was such a blessing to make. My Grandmothers always had many quilts and we all loved to cover up with them and see all the different patterns on them. I remember seeing patterns of material from some of her old
dresses and some of ours as well. Some I didn't recognize and she would always know where the material came from, and would tell great stories about that person. Covering up with one of Mama's or Granny's
quilts was like a trip down memory lane. I still have several of their quilts. Mama made an effort to make sure everyone of the Grankid's had one of her quilts. We all treasure them dearly.

Quilts are like pieces of our lives that tell a story in time. Only "Amazing Grace" can get us through some of the tough times. All those times pieced together make a beautiful life for God. We just have to keep in mind that God isn't finished with us yet.